Jim Manclark

Feb 8, 20211 min

AFI Website launches with Free Membership Drive

Scotland's new 'Max The YES' alliance party, Action for Independence (AFI), has today announced the formal launch of its website, and a free membership drive.

AFI Interim Leader Dave Thompson said, "The website will be live at 12 noon today, Monday 8 February, and all members of the Yes family will be able to join up to support us. What's more, membership will initially be FREE!” Just visit our website at www.afi.scot and sign up.

Dave Thompson continued: “We now invite all members of the Yes family to unite with us and work to 'Max the YES' in May's Holyrood elections, so as to achieve a pro-indy supermajority, and take another decisive step towards independence for Scotland. We also ask the other smaller YES parties who have not yet signed up to AFI to meet us for talks, without pre-conditions on either side, to discuss how best to Max the YES at the forthcoming Holyrood elections.”

AFI Interim Head of Communications Derek Macpherson, said, "We are delighted to announce that, following EC approval of our new name, Action for Independence, our constitution and our Financial Scheme on Friday, the launch of our website can now go ahead. The site will, we believe, answer all the questions people have been asking about us, our aims and objectives, constitution, interim office bearers, etc. Furthermore, membership is now open, and will be FREE for an introductory period - until June!"
